
BEC-Baltimore occasionally distributes information on non-affiliated events which may be of interest to our members. See the announcement below regarding Facades+AM.

Earn up to 4 AIA CEUs at Facades+AM!

Facades+AM distills the best of the Facades+ 2-day event into a quick-take morning forum with a strong local flair—this time tailor-made for Washington D.C. The series delivers targeted information on and stimulates dialogue about specific, location-based issues in the fields of facade design, engineering, and fabrication.

The program includes three sessions with speakers who will discuss issues unique to the region, including innovative building skins, high performance facades, and the future face of D.C.

Don’t miss an exciting keynote session with Gary Handel of Handel Architects, followed by sessions Facades and the Environment, and The Future of the Office Building!

Visit am.facadesplus.com for more information and to register.

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